Services for sold products

Implementations, training, and support for offered solutions

Our offering includes tailored implementation, training, and maintenance services, providing support at every stage of using our products and contributing to the success of your organization through our experience and expertise

Services for sold products


Our implementation services are designed to provide comprehensive configuration and integration of the offered systems into your business environment. Our specialists implement solutions step by step, ensuring a smooth transition to new tools.

Key elements of the implementation process include:

  1. Analysis and implementation planning: Starting from needs analysis to creating an implementation plan, we ensure that the implementation is precisely tailored to your requirements.
  2. Configuration and integration: Our technical teams will carry out the configuration process and integrate new products with your organization’s existing systems.
  3. Testing and verification: We ensure that every aspect of the implementation works smoothly and meets your expectations by conducting thorough testing and verification.
  4. Implementation training: We provide training for your employees to enable them to effectively use the new solutions


Our training services are designed to provide your team with the necessary skills and knowledge in the areas of our offered products. We offer various approaches, including on-site training, remote training, and self-paced learning.

  1. Customized training: We create personalized training programs tailored to the specific needs of your organization.
  2. On-demand training: We provide a library of training materials and online tutorials that allow for learning at the employee’s own pace.
  3. On-demand training: We organize live training sessions that can be customized for specific groups of employees or departments.
  4. Certified product training: We offer certified training programs that enable employees to acquire official qualifications in using our products.


Our maintenance services aim to provide continuous support, monitoring, and upkeep of the purchased tools to ensure their reliability and performance.

  1. Monitoring and diagnostics: Our technical teams track the performance and operation of our products, identifying and responding to any potential issues.
  2. Updates and patches: We provide regular updates and patches to ensure that our products comply with the latest standards and security measures.
  3. Technical support: We offer online or phone-based technical support, enabling a quick response to any reported issues.
  4. Configuration management: We assist in managing the configuration and adapting our products to any changes in your IT infrastructure.

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