BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access

BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access

Secure and monitor remote access with control and recording of privileged sessions

About BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access

BeyondTrust Remote Support is a PAM (Privileged Access Management) solution designed for managing the access of external company representatives (contractors) to an organization’s resources (servers, databases, network devices, industrial machines, web portals, etc.) without the need for VPN. The primary implementation benefits include session recording, separating contractors from passwords, isolating “foreign” computers outside the corporate network, and the ability to collaborate with a contractor within a single session.

For Your Organization

Supervision and control over access to critical infrastructure obtained by external suppliers and internal administrators

Separation of external supplier representatives (contractors) and own administrators from the passwords of high-privilege accounts

Recording all sessions to critical infrastructure for purposes such as audit/verification

Separating unknown devices used by external suppliers from one’s own infrastructure

Elimination of the need to use VPN connections to provide access to contractors (external entities)

Simplification and systematization of mechanisms for granting and segregating access to IT/OT environments

Replacing multiple access tools to RDP, SSH, WWW platforms with a single system provided by a leader in the PAM area as recognized by Gartner and Forrester

Wypełnij formularz i dowiedz się więcej o rozwiązaniu

Porozmawiajmy o rozwiązaniu dla Twojej organizacji.
Zabezpiecz się przed nieautoryzowanym dostępem i zapewnij bezpieczeństwo swojej organizacji.

Najważniejsze funkcje systemu

  • Access Control

    The solution enables the implementation of the principle of least privilege, regulating and limiting the level of access for remote users.

  • Session Recording

    Control and recording of sessions using standard connection protocols (RDP, VNC, HTTP/S, and SSH) ensure the security of privileged account usage.

  • Privileged Account Password Security

    Automated credential entry directly into privileged sessions ensures separation of contractors from high-privilege account passwords.

  • Collaboration Mode

    The ability to collaborate within a session among different operators (administrator, contractor, auditor) enhances the efficiency and control over the work process.

  • Built-In WWW Browser

    A specially prepared, hardened WWW browser allows sessions to be established with any WEB application while maintaining PAM mechanisms.

  • Remote Access Without VPN

    With the system set up for DMZ operations, contractors can access necessary resources even if they are not connected to the corporate network via a VPN tunnel.

Jak działa BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access

Kontrola kontraktorów

Ograniczaj kontraktorów dzięki granularnym, opartym na rolach politykom dostępu do określonych systemów, wykorzystując zdefiniowane parametry sesji.

Kontrola administratorów

Zarządzaj i ograniczaj dostęp administratorów do określonych systemów bez zmniejszania produktywności.

Audyt i compiliance

Audytuj działania związane z wykorzystaniem kont uprzywilejowanych i zapewnij swojej organizacji zgodność.

Get in touch with us

Would you like to learn how to improve security levels in your company?

We encourage you to get in touch with us – we are ready to answer any questions and provide professional advice in choosing the right solutions for your organization!