YubiKey Bio Series

Discover convenience and security with modern biometric authentication

About YubiKey Bio Series

The YubiKey Bio Series combines Yubico’s well-known hardware security with a new user experience based on fingerprints. The YubiKey Bio Series enables secure logins without the need for passwords and supports two-factor authentication. This series is designed to provide exceptionally strong biometric authentication options.

  • It meets the most rigorous hardware security requirements with fingerprint templates stored in a secure element on the key,
  • Works out of the box with operating systems and browsers including Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, Linux, Chrome, and Edge,
  • Supports FIDO2/WebAuthn, U2F,
  • Available in USB-A and USB-C housings with biometric support,
  • P68-rated, crush-resistant, no batteries, no moving parts.

Polecane wydarzenie

Wypełnij formularz i dowiedz się więcej o rozwiązaniu

Porozmawiajmy o rozwiązaniu dla Twojej organizacji.
Zabezpiecz się przed nieautoryzowanym dostępem i zapewnij bezpieczeństwo swojej organizacji.

How does YubiKey work?

Forget about reaching for your phone, remembering and typing in codes – one touch of YubiKey is enough to verify the user, and you’re done. Furthermore, you don’t have to use YubiKey every time. Once an application or service is verified, it can remain trusted.

YubiKey is available in various formats, supporting multiple authentication protocols and working with hundreds of applications and services. The models are dust- and waterproof, require no charging, cannot be disassembled, and do not require driver installation – they are easy to use and configure

Switching the game to modern, phishing-resistant authentication

YubiKey is a revolutionary hardware solution that redefines the concept of authentication. It provides highly effective identity protection for employees and users while reducing technical support costs and delivering unparalleled user experiences.

For your organization

92% reduction in technical support calls

4x faster login

High level of protection against phishing

No account takeovers

Passwordless multi-factor authentication

Provide secure and convenient MFA login, eliminating the need for password usage. Utilize the YubiKey Bio Authenticator and fingerprint as the primary authentication methods, and if necessary, use a PIN as an additional option.

Strong two-factor authentication

Enhance your security by adding an additional layer of protection to your password with biometric authentication, which verifies the user’s identity using a fingerprint.

Strong biometric security

An important aspect of security is that every time a finger is presented to the YubiKey, a biometric template is created, and these templates never leave the YubiKey device.

Yubico offers the following authentication options:

  • Strong single-factor authentication – passwordless

YubiKey replaces weak passwords with secure and passwordless login through touch

  • Strong two-factor authentication – password + token

YubiKey adds a second factor for two-factor authentication

  • Strong multi-factor authentication – passwordless + PIN

Combines touch-based authentication with PIN-based authentication to meet the requirements for the most risky operations.

YubiKey supports the following authentication protocols:


Yubico OTP (one-time password), HOTP (time-based or event-based token),

PIV (smart card) – the ability to store a PIV certificate on the key, allowing you to log in to various services, including Active Directory,

Static passwords – keys from the 5 series have the ability to store up to two long character strings, which can later be ‘injected’ into the user interface,

Challenge-Response – a login method that requires authorization from both sides (the key and the application), based on a ‘password-response’ principle,

OpenPGP – the ability to store a PGP key for encrypting emails, files, and signing them.

Get in touch with us

Would you like to learn how to improve security levels in your company?

We encourage you to get in touch with us – we are ready to answer any questions and provide professional advice in choosing the right solutions for your organization!