Professional services
We are a trusted partner and work closely with our partners.
Professional services
EMS Partner specializes in providing a comprehensive range of professional services to its clients and partners. Our Technical Department has teams dedicated to individual solutions from our portfolio. Each engineer is a highly qualified and certified specialist in their field.
(support for pre-sales partners)
As a value-added distributor and reseller, we support our partners throughout the entire sales process. Our role begins at the pre-sales stage, where we provide partners with technical knowledge and share our expertise. Our sales engineers coordinate and oversee all pre-sales activities, including technical presentations for new and existing customers, product workshops to familiarize customers with the solution interfaces, and the Proof of Concept stage, where specific use cases are analyzed to ensure success criteria are met.
Każdy projekt rozpoczyna się od prezentacji technicznej. Po spotkaniu sprzedażowym, podczas którego zaprezentowana zostaje ogólna koncepcja i definiowane są potrzeby bazowe, pojawia się potrzeba bardziej dogłębnego spojrzenia na rozwiązanie. Odbywa się to zazwyczaj podczas odrębnego spotkania, z udziałem przedstawicieli działów IT i/lub bezpieczeństwa. Nasi inżynierowie, wykorzystując własne środowisko testowe, mogą wówczas zaprezentować nie tylko interfejs użytkownika, ale także określone przypadki użycia. Większość z nich pokrywa podstawowe potrzeby, jakie pojawiają się u klientów w kontekście prezentowanych systemów. Nasze prezentacje, opracowane w oparciu o doświadczenie, dają ogólny wgląd w interfejs użytkownika, pozwalają zapoznać się z najczęstszymi przypadkami użycia, a także – co z naszej perspektywy jest najistotniejsze – pozwalają udzielić odpowiedzi na nurtujące klientów wątpliwości techniczne.
Kolejnym etapem większości projektów jest techniczny warsztat. Wiemy jak ważne jest dla naszych klientów, by sprawdzić rozwiązanie przed zakupem. Wykorzystując nasze laboratorium, możemy przeprowadzić całodniowy warsztat, podczas którego oddelegowany przez klienta personel, ma okazję zapoznać się z tym, jak system działa. Nasi eksperci przygotowali ścieżkę edukacyjną, która pokrywa czynności administracyjne, takie jak definiowanie polityk, zarządzanie zasobami, zarządzanie użytkownikami, integracje, raportowanie itp. Jesteśmy bardzo dumni z naszych warsztatów, ponieważ dzięki nim możemy przekazać klientom wiedzę, bez konieczności angażowania dodatkowych zasobów po ich stronie.
Ostatni etap – Proof of Concept – jest najbardziej wymagającym etapem w całym procesie przedsprzedaży. Wymaga zaangażowania po stronie klienta już na etapie planowania PoC. Konieczne jest przygotowanie środowiska testowego oraz określenie warunków sukcesu. Oczywiście asystujemy partnerom i klientom podczas tych czynności, dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Tym samym pomagamy przygotować cały proces w taki sposób, by jak najwięcej uzyskać z przeprowadzonego etapu i jak najlepiej wskazać w jaki sposób oferowane rozwiązanie wpisuje się w kontekst infrastruktury klienta.
Oczywiście, każdy Proof of Concept jest inny i w związku z tym różne są też warunki sukcesu. Co do zasady – staramy się nie sugerować jakie przypadki użycia powinny być zbadane, jako że istotą PoC jest zdefiniowanie ich przez klienta, natomiast bazując na naszym doświadczeniu (i wyłącznie w wypadkach, gdy jest to wskazane), dzielimy się pomysłami, jakie aspekty systemu należy zbadać.
Jako dostawca z wartością dodaną, przykładamy bardzo dużą wagę do procesów przedsprzedaży. Przejście wszystkich trzech etapów, z dobrą analizą rezultatów oraz przy umiejętnym zdefiniowaniu potrzeb i wymagań, pozwala jasno zdefiniować warunki sukcesu, dla całego procesu wdrożeniowego.

Implementations are the foundation of our value-added services. Focusing on a narrow product portfolio and specializing fully in this area allows us to provide implementation services at the highest level. Each of the products we offer is supported and implemented by dedicated engineers who hold both manufacturer certifications and certifications ensuring the use of best service practices (e.g., ITIL).
Drawing on our experience in implementing delivered solutions, we have developed an effective collaboration path with clients and partners. Recognizing the importance of this aspect, we inform clients and partners at every stage of the steps taken and the need to involve designated personnel in each stage. The aim of this approach is a rapid and efficient implementation, as well as educational value even at the stage of delivering the solution. Implementing software, its updating, or migration are time-consuming and highly complex processes. Hence the need for close cooperation between the client’s employees and our consultants. By setting “milestones,” it is possible to define the beginning and end of each stage of work, as well as determine the actual tasks and implementation products. This way of working has a very positive impact on communication between the client and the supplier, ensuring full transparency and collaboration on both sides of the project. Naturally, before entering the implementation phase, a detailed analysis must be conducted, which provides information about the client’s actual needs and requirements. Only on this basis can implementation guidelines be developed to ensure that the work is carried out on time and reliably. At this stage, the experience and knowledge of the analyst are crucial, as they can estimate the time required for each stage based on the gathered information and define the project’s critical points.
The standard stages of the implementation process include:
- conducting a pre-implementation analysis (based on information about the infrastructure correlated with basic requirements),
- discussion of the solution’s architecture and presentation of the tool to the involved teams,
- implementation work (system installation and configuration according to the defined stages).
When embarking on an implementation, it is important to consider not only its successful completion but also the time it will consume. It is evident that the project’s duration directly affects the implementation cost. Therefore, we pay special attention to developing standardized implementation paths to ensure shortened completion times. The average duration of our implementations is 35 working days, from the start of the environmental analysis to the delivery of documentation and training.
(post-implementation support)
Post-implementation support
Recognizing the importance of maintaining information systems and ensuring their continuous operation, we also offer our clients support services as an extension of the solution provider’s support service. Utilizing this offer comes with several benefits. Service engineers who were involved in the implementation process also participate in the service activities, so they are familiar with the context of the infrastructure where the failure occurred. Moreover, as a value-added distributor and value-added reseller, we can escalate reported incidents and issues much more efficiently directly with the solution provider. This path, despite adding an extra layer, proves to be much more effective because established communication channels allow us to influence the resolution time of a reported issue.
The provision of support services is based on a service agreement that specifies the responsibilities of EMS Partner, particularly defining response times of the technical team to the report and repair initiation times. Standard EMS Partner support covers all types of incidents and maintenance processes (e.g., system updates). We are also available to handle know-how inquiries related to the configuration and operation of our systems. Typically, support is provided on business days from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We have established basic communication channels for our clients – a technical support portal and an email address. In specific situations, it is possible to provide on-site support, even in a 24x7x365 mode.

The delivery of a solution and its successful implementation is only half the success. To ensure that the system operates efficiently and is used correctly, the staff working with the tool requires the appropriate level of knowledge. Therefore, we place special emphasis on knowledge transfer, both during the implementation process and after its completion, to organize knowledge and provide essential information to new users of the solutions. Training is typically included as part of the implementation offer, but additional training sessions can also be conducted.
The development of the training content, as well as its delivery, is the responsibility of dedicated training engineers, and the scope, duration, and format of the training are always customized to the client’s needs. As a competence center for the solutions we offer, we maintain our own test and presentation environments.
Taking into account the complexity of the solutions and the varying levels of expertise required for effective tool utilization, we offer training for:
- end-users: During these sessions, we provide knowledge through presentations and demonstrations of the system’s basic functions in a virtual testing environment,
- administrators: In these training sessions, we deliver knowledge through short presentations and detailed demonstrations of system functions and configurations in a virtual testing environment,
- administrators and end-users in workshop format: During these workshops, each participant gains access to a laboratory environment. Participants, under the guidance of an instructor, perform tasks according to the provided training materials.
The operation of the implemented system should be systematically checked for both performance and configuration aspects. The proposed service includes two stages.
STAGE I – Environment Audit, in which we verify:
- Hardware components – server performance, certificate validity, database connections, proper functioning of services, system logs, end-user devices.
- Software components – correctness of connections between internal and external components, configurations, policies, profiles, the functioning of individual system modules.
After the audit is completed, a report is generated, which includes a description of the current state, comments regarding changes in configuration, policies, and rules, as well as suggestions to expand and improve the system.
With this service, the client can be confident that the system is operating according to established standards and best practices.