BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge

BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge

Simplify and streamline your work environment by logging into Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X systems using Windows credentials

About BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge

BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge centralizes user management for Unix, Linux, and Mac OSX environments. The solution extends Kerberos authentication in Active Directory and provides the ability to log in with AD credentials and use group policies on platforms other than Windows.

For your organization

The BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge solution allows users to use Active Directory credentials (username and password) to access Unix, Linux, and Mac OSX systems

Extending the capabilities of native tools for managing group policies allows for the inclusion of settings for Unix, Linux, and Mac OSX systems, achieving consistent configuration across the entire infrastructure

The centralized reporting module includes hundreds of built-in reports

Central management of access to non-Windows systems, by specifying which users can log in to which systems through Active Directory

Migration of users from desktop computers to virtual machines or between systems, without the constant need for re-entering credentials. The use of Kerberos, the Active Directory authentication protocol, facilitates user authentication regardless of the platform.

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Key features of the system

  • Active Directory Authentication

    The BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge solution allows users to use Active Directory credentials (username and password) to access Unix, Linux, and Mac OSX systems.

  • Group Policies

    Extending the capabilities of native tools for managing group policies allows for the inclusion of settings for Unix, Linux, and Mac OSX systems, achieving consistent configuration across the entire infrastructure.

  • Control and Reporting

    The centralized reporting module includes hundreds of built-in reports.

  • Access Control

    Central management of access to non-Windows systems, by specifying which users can log in to which systems through Active Directory.

  • Single Set of Credentials

    Migration of users from desktop computers to virtual machines or between systems, without the constant need for re-entering credentials. The use of Kerberos, the Active Directory authentication protocol, facilitates user authentication regardless of the platform.

How does BeyondTrust Active Directory Bridge work


Use a single set of tools for managing users in both Windows and Unix/Linux systems.


Provide security teams with access to audit data and centrally manage group policies.


Utilize AD for single sign-on and defining access policies to file resources in non-Windows systems.

Get in touch with us

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We encourage you to get in touch with us – we are ready to answer any questions and provide professional advice in choosing the right solutions for your organization!